Friday, January 26, 2007

QDE vs HWA What are the differences?

There is so much confusion on what a Questioned Document Examiner (QDE) does vs what a Handwriting Analyst (HWA) does. The QDE examines documents and verifies if the writing is the same. The HWA looks at handwritng to assess personality traits.

Being they are separate disciplines, the requirements are such that separate training and separate certifications to practice professionally are required. They are not interchangeable skills.

Document examiners do work involving analysis of the physical characteristics of writing. They determine who wrote what.

Document examiners may be called into court to testify as an "expert witness." They can be hired by either side to do that. However, many cases are settled long before they go to court. The important fact is that personality assessment is not a factor in their work.

Handwriting Analyts look at handwriting to find personality traits. The handwriting is analyzed to determine what personality traits show up in a given sample of handwriting. For example a lower case 't' with the bar crossed low on the stem is indicitave of low self esteem. The traits and their meaning are given to the writer.

Some QDE & HWA list themselves as handling both kinds of work. That is ok if they are trained and qualified in both.

QDE work is a science and more highly regarded by the public and is in greater demand because fraud & deceit are at an all time high.

Many feel HWA is is not a science, although many HWA would disagree.

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