Friday, October 03, 2008

Judge denies new trial for teacher

Judge denies new trial for teacher
By: Linda Finarelli, Staff Writer

Three anonymous letters calling into question the guilt of former Longstreth Elementary School teacher Susan Romanyszyn, who was convicted of 11 counts of terroristic threats in June, will have no impact on the verdict rendered against her.

Bucks County Court Judge Rea Boylan recently issued two rulings denying defense attorney Sara Webster's request for a new trial for Romanyszyn.Sentencing is now set for Nov. 2.

Romanyszyn, 46, of Warminster, was found guilty of terrorizing the school - scattering notes threatening to bomb the school and kill teachers and planting a fake bomb in a student's desk - between Oct. 11 and 19 of last year. The jury acquitted the then fourth-grade teacher of six counts of terrortistic threats and of a facsimile weapons of mass destruction charge.

Romanyszyn, who had previously taught math at Klinger Middle School for seven years and kindergarten at Longstreth for two, maintained her innocence during her testimony at trial and in comments following the verdict. Diagnosed with cancer following her arrest, she has been undergoing treatment since then.

Rest of the story:

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Teacher arrested

Teacher convicted:

Judge denies new trial

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